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Aiman Al Amri



Hardik Ramaiya

Principal Consultant

We at Yahya believe in leveraging our global network of experts and with our ears on the ground; we can connect with our clients at the ‘jobs to be done’. We bring on board a multidisciplinary perspective with engineers, scientists, anthropologists, cartographers and project management experts aligning to execute the best solution in the pandemic emergency era. 


Striking a balance between economic growth and sustainability is an everyday challenge, we understand the need for Sultanate to support such progress and maintain the serenity of the country.

Social and Cultural Advisory

We at Yahya, understand the economic, social and environmental aspects of business and align them with the sustainability goals of the country. We help our clients equip for climate impact by studying the project emissions and evaluating the possible extremes. The assessment and consulting pattern at Yahya is a conscious effort to reduce energy consumption and replace with renewable energy alternatives whenever possible. This is done at a grass root level to ensure the safety of the community and strike balance with the micro level economic sustainability.

Our consultants address the life cost of a developmental project, impact of such projects on the people and culture of the locality and advise on sustainable design for reducing the waste releases. We also strengthen the sustainability values within the company by promoting paperless work to the extent possible and reduce travel by working remotely through team collaboration applications.

Yahya supports UN Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement and Montreal Protocol to reduce green house gases and promote global security. We support ‘Single Use Plastic Ban’ and ‘Clean Sea Campaign’ initiated under the patronage of Environment Authority

Our Partners

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